The JuJuverse
Where our story and the game takes place.
Last updated
Where our story and the game takes place.
Last updated
Many, many moons ago, a disastrous earthquake released a mystical substance from the depths with mysterious consequences. Unknown to anyone, this substance was fusing itself with age-old Bad JuJu around the areas it manifested, mutating and forming into a horde of 8,000 JuJu Devils. These JuJu Devils had unique characteristics according to the area of the land that they were spawned in, forming their own tribes.
Once the JDs take their time and set-up camp, they’ll be able to summon Good JuJu to nullify the Bad JuJu covering the land and reduce it to JuJu crystals. Keep ‘em close, they’re valuable and can be traded for riches.
There have been rumours that more unidentified Bad JuJu beings and objects are out there. The JDs will be able to unveil and uncover these secrets as they progress in time and action over the phases.
Our beloved land has been corrupted by the infection of Bad Juju, and the plague is spreading.
Rally together Devils, for the JuJuverse needs your help!